Final Book section missing?

Hi Vladimir,

I pulled the latest version of the book bcause the final version came out. I went looking at the table of contents and found one of the sections missing. The section was labelled as “Optimizations” (In the last pdf - it was listed under Part 2 as section 9).

I also checked the github tree and found that there at least one thing that would have been part of that section:

  • Constant Folding

I wondered if you just forgot to put that in - or if this was on purpose as a “exercise” for people reading the book.


I decided to cut the scope a little to fulfil the promise of getting it done before September ends. There are 10 more topics I wish I could cover but I would never release the book this way. However, if this particular topic has a lot of interest—I will write one more chapter and send an update.


10 more topics… So a second book?!