Regex kleene star question

reading again the book since it’s complete and stumbled on

A regular expression a*a will match one or more letters a. However, a*a in PEG will never match anything…

On page 44.

TIL! I assumed regex matched like PEG but turns out it’s not the case.
Is it due to backtracking in regexp? Where is this behaviour documented?



PEG backtracks only at the points where the alternative (/) operator is used. You can see this behaviour from the code here:

If this.parse(source) fails then the other parser.parse(source) is retried with the same source.

Regexes, on the other hand, backtrack in general when a match is not found.
The following regex example might be useful:

I’ve never implemented a regex engine, so I have only an intuitive understanding of it.

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Yeah, PEG backtracking wasn’t surprising for me but regexp’s was; but only the ones with O(n) guarantees like RE2(tested on So i was wondering how is that implemented since it’s working allegedly without backtracking…

Not expecting the answer from you since it’s off topic, just thinking out loud :slight_smile:

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